Oral presentations will be in the conventional
format of a 12-minute talk followed by a 3-minute discussion
period. Invited talks will be in a format of
25-minute presentation plus 5-minute discussion period.
Oral presentations are to be made using an LCD projector
connected to the author’s laptop. No alternative presentation
facilities will be provided. Authors are advised to bring as USB
flash memory as a back-up.
Only standard PC-style VGA connections to the LCD projector will
be supplied. Presenting authors must supply any adaptor required for
their computer. Macintosh users must make sure that "mirroring" is
Presenting authors should "check in" with the session chairman at least
five minutes before the scheduled start of the session. Session chairmen
have the responsibility of reporting "no shows" to the Publication
Committee. No-show papers will not be published in the Proceedings.
Speakers may use the Luxemburgo Room (first floor) to practice
their presentations. Audiovisual equipment will be available for authors
to use. This room will be open as follows:
Monday |
May 5 |
8:00AM - 6:30PM |
Tuesday |
May 6 |
8:30AM - 6:30PM |
Wednesday |
May 7 |
8:30AM - 6:30PM |
Thursday |
May 8 |
8:30AM - 1:00PM |
A booking sheet is available on the door for
users to book the room. Bookings are allowed for 20 minute periods only.
Posters will be displayed in the
Polivalente Room (third floor).
Poster presentations will consist of visual materials about the work
presented on a designated board.
Poster presentations
will consist of visual materials about the work presented on a
designated board.
Dimensions of
the poster boards: 130cm (50'') wide and 95cm (37'') high.
Note this is landscape style (see the pattern below).
Suitable material to display the posters will be provided.

For the first time
Intermag 2008 will include invited poster presentations.
There will be one invited poster in each half-day session. Two
poster boards will be allocated for invited posters.
Authors should be
available to discuss their work during a significant part of the
session. In particular, an author must be present for the first and
last 30 minutes of morning sessions (9:00am - 9:30am
and 12:30pm - 1:00pm) and the last 60 minutes of afternoon
sessions (5:30pm to 6:30pm).
Posters must be
presented by one of the authors registered at the Conference. Papers
related to posters from authors who did not attend the conference or
were not available to discuss their work will not be published. |