Presentation Guidelines

Oral presentations

Contributed oral presentations are 15 minutes per speaker (including 3 minutes questions), while invited presentations are 30 minutes per speaker (including 6 minutes questions).

All oral presentations are to be made using your own laptop.  The Conference will provide the LCD projector and screen, pointer, and microphone in each oral session room.

Only standard PC-style VGA connections to the LCD projector will be supplied. Presenting authors must supply any adaptor required for their computer. Macintosh users must make sure that "mirroring" is activated.

Presenting authors should "check in" with the session chairperson at least five minutes before the scheduled start of the session. Session chairpersons have the responsibility of reporting "No-Shows" to the Publication Committee. No-show papers will not be published in the special INTERMAG issue of IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.


Poster presentations

Poster presentations will consist of well-prepared visual materials about the work posted on a designated board, with the author available to present details and answer questions during the selected poster session times. Simply posting a copy of the paper is NOT appropriate and will be treated as a NO SHOW. 

The poster size is A0 portrait format (1189mm height x 841mm width). You must include the title and authors on the poster.  Fixings (no pushpins!) and the session’s paper designation sign will be provided by the Conference staff.

Posters should be displayed at 8:00-12:00 for morning sessions, and 14:00-18:00 for afternoon sessions. Posters should be set up at least 15 minutes before the session starts and must be removed by the authors promptly at the end of their session. Posters not removed will be discarded.

The author must be available to present details and answer questions during the selected poster session times. If a poster is posted but none of the authors is present, the Session Chairs will count the paper as a "No-Show". 

No-show papers will not be published in the special INTERMAG issue of IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.



Presented by            and