Student Awards

The Best Student Presentation Award is being given by the IEEE  Magnetics Society to encourage the presentation of papers by students.
Full-time graduate students who will be the presenting authors of an  oral contribution may apply.  Preference will be given to students who are within one year of graduation and who are, and whose advisors are, current members of the IEEE Magnetics Society.

Students should apply at the same time as submitting their digests by  providing the supplemental information requested in the digest  submission process. 

The supplementary information must include

(1) the expected graduation date, IEEE member number, advisor name, advisor IEEE member number
(2) a  clear description of the motivation for the research, the significance  of the research results, and the applicant's contribution to the work  being presented and
(3) a letter of support from the student's advisor. 

The deadline for student award applications is January 8, 2014. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Five (5) finalists will be selected by an international panel based on  the submitted digests, and the selection process will be overseen by the  Chairman of the IEEE Magnetics Society Education Committee and the  Chairman of the IEEE Magnetics Society Honors and Awards Committee. 

Only the finalists will receive notification of the selection outcome.

The winner will be selected at the conference by the Best Student Presentation Award Subcommittee and will be announced soon after the close of the conference.  The award consists of a prize of $1500 and a certificate for the winner and $250 and a certificate for each of the remaining finalists.


For any further questions contact the Student Awards Coordinator:

Mingzhong Wu
Colorado State University
Fort Collins, CO (USA)

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