Plenary Session
Tuesday, May 6, 16:15 h
Great Hall
Session Chairs: Ludwig Schultz & Michael E. McHenry
Awards: Burkard Hillebrands
IEEE Magnetics Society Achievement Award
Prof. Randall Victora
for contributions to the theory and simulation of magnetic materials, particularly magnetic recording media
Newly elected Fellows of the IEEE
Peter Fischer, LBNL
for contributions to the development and application of high resolution X-ray magnetic imaging
Bruce Gurney, HGST
for contributions to spin valve Giant magnetoresistance sensors for magnetic recording systems
Axel Hoffmann, ANL
for contributions to nanomagnetism and manipulation of spin current
Magdalena Salazar-Palma, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid
for contributions to the application of numerical techniques to electromagnetic modeling
Kiruba Sivasubramaniam, GE
for contributions to thin film technology for high-density recording media and heads
Jiming Song, Iowa State University
for contributions to algorithms in computational electromagnetics
Charles Sullivan, Dartmouth College
for contributions to the design of power electronic circuits and magnetics
Migaku Takahashi, Tohoku University
for contributions to thin film technology for high-density recording media and heads
2014 Magnetics Society Distinguished Lecturers
Hans-Benjamin Braun, UCD Ireland
“Topological Effects in Nanomagnetism: From Perpendicular Recording to Monopoles”
Jonathan Coker, HGST USA
“Opportunities and Challenges in Two Dimensional Magnetic Recording”
Ron Jansen, AIST JAPAN
“Silicon Spintronics”
Tim St Pierre, UWA Australia
“Magnetic Materials in Medicine: Applications in Diagnosis, Management, and Treatment of Disease.”
Plenary Lecture
Following the awards ceremony the Intermag Plenary Lecture will be presented.
The speaker will be
Professor Theo Rasing
Institute for Molecules and Materials
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen, Netherlands
From the discovery of sub-picosecond demagnetization over a decade ago to the recent demonstration of magnetization reversal by a single 40 femtosecond laser pulse, the manipulation of spins by ultra short laser pulses has become a fundamentally challenging topic with a potentially high impact for future spintronics, data storage and manipulation and quantum computation. Theoretically, this field is still in its infancy, using phenomenological descriptions of the none-equilibrium dynamics between electrons, spins and phonons. A proper description should include the time dependence of the exchange interaction and nucleation phenomena on the nanometer length scale. A practical challenge is how to bring the optical manipulation of magnetic media to the required nanoscale, which may be possible using plasmonic or wave-shaping techniques. Recent results and an outlook to probe and control magnetic order on the femtosecond time and nanometer length scale will be discussed.
Theo Rasing is a full professor of experimental physics, founder and Director of the Nijmegen Center of Advanced Spectroscopy, elected member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW), elected member of the Academia Europaea, member of the Executive Board of the Netherlands organization for Fundamental Research FOM and member of many national and international advisory boards and committees. He obtained his degree in physics and doctorate from the Radboud University Nijmegen and after postdoctoral stays at UC Berkeley (IBM fellowship) he became staff scientist and deputy program leader at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, where he developed nonlinear optical techniques for surface and interface studies. In 2007 he received the Physica Prize from the Netherlands Physical Society and in 2008 he received the Spinoza price, the highest scientific award from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research NWO for his breakthroughs in the field of manipulating magnetism with light. In 2009 he became IEEE Distinguished lecturer, and in 2010 “Knight of the Order of the Dutch Lion”. To date, his research has yielded more than 430 publications in international journals, including Nature, Science and Physical Review Letters, of which 350 in the Web of Science with a total of over 7000 citations, h-index 41. His research is mostly focused on the static and dynamic properties of magnetic nanostructures and multilayers for which he developed various ultra sensitive pump-probe methods.