Letter from the General Chairman
Call for Papers
Instructions for Preparation of Digests

International Magnetics Conference
Toronto, Canada, April 9 - April 13

Digest Submission Deadline: October 10, 1999

Dear Colleagues:

   It is my pleasure to bring to your attention the International Magnetics Conference, Intermag 2000, which will be held at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto, Canada from Sunday, April 9, through Thursday, April 13, 2000. As you may know, Intermag is the premier conference on applied magnetics and information storage technologies. We are planning an exciting and informative set of invited talks, tutorial sessions, oral and poster presentations and exhibitions which will review the latest developments in these fields.

   We are soliciting contributed papers in all areas of applied magnetics, magnetic recording technologies and related fields. Please review the list of technical categories for further details. Interested authors are requested to submit a two-page digest to the conference prior to October 10, 1999. All digests must be submitted electronically to the Intermag website: www.intermagconference.com. This site will provide detailed instructions on digest preparation and submission. In addition, you may also obtain information regarding the conference site, registration, hotel reservations, and the city of Toronto at this web site.

   On behalf of the conference Management Committee, I am looking forward to seeing you all at Toronto, Canada, during the first Intermag of the new millennium.


Doug Lavers
General Chairman


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