Letter from the General Chairman
Call for Papers
Instructions for Preparation of Digests

San Antonio, Texas
January 8 - January 11, 2001

Abstract Deadline: July 19, 2000

Dear Exhibitor:

We would like to extend a personal invitation to you and your company to join us at the 2001 Joint MMM-Intermag Exposition in San Antonio, Texas. We expect this to be another banner year. During the past four MMM and Intermag conferences we have seen ever increasing numbers of exhibitors and attendees. Donıt miss this opportunity to reserve a choice space at this U.S. exposition for magnetic professionals.

This is a conference that shares the latest information in the field of magnetism. Itıs the place to be if you want to be in the heart of exchanging magnetism and magnetic materials findings from the finest companies and institutes from around the world. You can make quality contacts with the broad base of attendees who come every year.

Coffee service and the afternoon Bierstube will be offered in the exhibit hall. The poster sessions will also be located inside the exhibit hall. Based on the record number of 1,875 attendees at the 1998 Joint Conference, the expected attendance for 2001 is conservatively estimated at 1,400. This gives you the opportunity to see and be seen. So, donıt miss out and sign up early.

Looking forward to seeing you in San Antonio.


Joe Teter
Exposition Chairman
2001 Joint MMM-Intermag


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