Oral presentations

Oral presentations will be in the conventional format of a 12-minute talk followed by a 3-minute discussion period. Invited talks will be in a format of 25-minute presentation plus 5-minute discussion period.

Oral presentations are to be made using an LCD projector connected to the author’s laptop. No alternative presentation facilities will be provided. Authors are advised to bring as USB flash memory as a back-up.

Only standard PC-style VGA connections to the LCD projector will be supplied. Presenting authors must supply any adaptor required for their computer. Macintosh users must make sure that "mirroring" is activated.

Presenting authors should "check in" with the session chairman at least five minutes before the scheduled start of the session. Session chairmen have the responsibility of reporting "no shows" to the Publication Committee. No-show papers will not be published in the Proceedings.

Poster presentations

Poster presentations will consist of visual materials about the work presented on a designated board.

The dimensions of the poster boards are 6 feet wide and 4 feet high.