
Quantum Information Processing has received considerable attention in both the popular press and professional journals. But what does “Quantum Information Processing” mean, and why should we care about it? This tutorial session will explain the motivation and technical requirements for quantum information processing and introduce three experimental platforms for a quantum computer. The first speaker will present methods that allow electrical control of spin. The second speaker will show how light can be used to control spin interactions. The third speaker will introduce the world’s first commercially-available quantum computer. The tutorial will be accessible to those with no background in the subject, but will also present new results that will be of interest to specialists. The tutorial session is organized by the Education Committee of the IEEE Magnetics Society.
Session Chair: Mingzhong Wu, Colorado State University
Date: May 7, 2012
Time: 7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Room: Ballroom A of the Vancouver Convention Centre East

Electrical control of single spin coherence in semiconductors

Jason Petta, Princeton University, USA

Engineering the properties and interactions of single spins confined in InGaAs quantum dot molecules

Matthew Doty, University of Delaware, USA

Code in Quantum: Start programming quantum computers in less than 10 minutes

Geordie Rose, D-Wave Systems Inc., Canada


AA - Information processing with spin-magnet interactions: memory, logic and beyond
BA - Recent Advances in Magnetic Random Access Memory
CA - Biomedical applications of magnetic nanoparticles and nanostructures
CB - Superconducting Spintronics
DD - Fe16N2: a 40-year mystery in magnetism and magnetic materials
EA - Spintronics with Insulators
FA - Spin transport in hybrid organic-inorganic structures
GA - Effect of Electric Field on Magnetism
HA - Emerging Sensor Technologies for Recording beyond 2 Tb/in2