Wednesday, 07.05.2014

EP - Synchronous machines08:00h - 12:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Andrew Knight, University of Calgary; Youguang Guo, University of Technology Sydney
Shu-An Chin Design of a High Torque Density Ferrite IPM Motor for Electric Vehicles with Coupled Electromagnetics and Stress Analysis 1
Min-Fu Hsieh An Analytical Method Combining Equivalent Circuit and Magnetic Circuit for a Brushless Doubly-Fed Reluctance Generators 2
Takeo Ishikawa Performance of Novel Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines Made of Soft Magnetic Composite Core 3
L. N. Tutelea Optimal Design of DC Excited Synchronous Generator for Large Direct Driven Wind Turbine 4
Jian Li Effect of Multi-Layer Windings on Rotor Losses of Interior Permanent Magnet Machine with Fractional-Slot Concentrated-Windings 5
Hae-Joong Kim Structure of Concentrated Flux Type Interior Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor with Ferrite Permanent 6
WEN-HO YU An Axial-Flux Motor with Segmented Ferrite Permanent Magnets for Compressors 7
Byeong-Hwa Lee Torque Ripple Reduction of Wound Rotor Synchronous Motor using Rotor Slits 8
Shuhong Wang Topology Optimization of Rotor Pole in Switched Reluctance Motor for Minimum Torque Ripple 9
Panagiotis Lazari Accurate d-q axis modelling of Synchronous Machines with Skew accounting for Saturation 10
Sung-Jin Kim Driving Performance Prediction combined with Mechanical Motion Equation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor based on Ideal Voltage Source 11
Shuangyin Cheng Characteristics of an Axial-flux Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine with Contra-rotating Rotors under Unbalanced Loads from 3-D Finite-Element Analysis 12
Sol Kim A Study on Permanent Magnet Harmonic Eddy Loss of Traction Vehicle IPMSM through Coupled-analysis of PWM Inverter Control and 3D Finite Element Analysis 13
Hao Chen Research on a Dual-rotor Switched Reluctance Machine in different magnetic polarity distribution 14
Xintong Jiang Overall characteristics prediction for Multi Phase Multi Units High Power Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor 15
J Wang Evaluation of rotor eddy current loss in permanent magnet machines employing fractional-slot windings with low space harmonics 16
Mo L.H. Influence of permanent magnet cross section shape on performance of flux-switching and V-shape permanent-magnet machine 17
Sol Kim Optimal Rotor Design of an 150kW-Class IPMSM Through the 3D Voltage-Inductance Map Analysis Method 18
Jing Zhao Optimization of Electromagnetic Performance of High Speed Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor 19
Hengzai Hu Research on the Torque Ripple and Scanning Range of an Arc-Structure Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machine Used for Scanning System 20

EQ - Design and tests of special machines and actuators08:00h - 12:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Hiroyuki Yaguchi, Tohoku Gakuin University; Mi-Ching Tsai, National Cheng Kung University
Hao Chen Oscillatory Control of Single Phase Tubular Switched Reluctance Linear Motor 1
N. C. Cheung Performance Analysis of a Hybrid Linear Switched Reluctance Machine 2
Chang-Chang Hwang Design Optimization of a Double-Sided Hybrid Excited Linear Flux Switching PM Motor With Low Force Ripple 3
Kazuo Shima Comparison of eddy current losses under no-load and load conditions in solid poles of salient-pole synchronous machines 4
Jun Ho Lee Comparative Analysis on Various SynRMs according to Geometric Structure by Numerical Analysis and Experimentation 5
Ziyan Ren Multi-Objective Robust Design of Switched Reluctance Motor against Manufacturing Tolerance by Worst-Case Scenario and Kriging 6
Christopher H. T. Lee Mechanical Offset for Torque Ripple Reduction for Magnetless Double-Stator Doubly-Salient Machine 7
Hsing-Cheng Yu Design and Position Servo Control of a Novel VCM-type Autofocus Actuator with Retaining Force 8
ying xie Study on Characteristics of Electromagnetic Force and Vibration Performance of a Squirrel-Cage Induction Motor with Broken Bars 9
Eiki Morimoto Magnetic-Geared Motor with Field Windings 10
Hui Yang Flux-regulatable Characteristics Analysis of a Novel Switched-Flux Surface-Mounted PM Memory Machine 11
Guohia Liu Cost Reduction of a New Permanent-Magnet Fault-Tolerant Machine by Using Ferrite Magnet 12
KwangYoung Jeong Comparison of Iron Losses in Bonded and Embossed type Segmented Stator Core for IPMSM 13
Liyi Li Investigation of Cross-Coupling Inductances for Long-stator PM Linear Motor Arranged in Multiple Segments 14
Yinxi Jin Modeling and Analysis of Force Characteristic for Hybrid Excitation Linear Eddy Current Brake 15
Yacine AMARA Validation of a New Line-Starting Method of a Class of Synchronous Motors Using Finite Element Method 16
Vladimir Kolesar Mechanical oscillations in multilayer magnetic microwires induced by Joule heating 17
Shuangxia Niu A New Dual-Stator Bidirectional-Modulated PM Machine and Its Optimization 18
Xiaoyong Zhu Multi-objective optimization design of a magnetic-planetary-geared permanent magnet brushless machine by combined design of experiments and response surface methods 19
Wei Hua Analysis and design of two five-phase hybrid-excitation flux-switching machines for electric vehicles 20

ER - Transformers and inductors I08:00h - 12:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Georges Barakat, University of Le Havre; Geraint Jewell, University of Sheffield
Guoen Cao An Embedded Inductor with using Sendust Powder Composite Films for Step-Up DC-DC Converter 1
Runhong Huang Frequency Splitting Phenomena of Magnetic Resonant Coupling Wireless Power Transfer 2
Sascha Stegen Design Evaluation of Novel Integrated Magnetics 3
A Hilal Magnetic Components Precise Modeling for Power Converters 4
ROSA ANA SALAS Simulation of waveforms of a ferrite inductor under sinusoidal excitation with saturation, power losses and capacitive effects 5
Min-Mo Koo Comparative Investigation on AC Inductors according to Magnetic Core Materials for Performance Improvement of LLC Resonant DC-DC Converter in Auxiliary Power Supply of Magnetic Levitation Vehicles 6
Chan-Bae Park Performance Comparison between CGC Model and CLGC Model on the WPT Syetem for Railway Transit 8
Yuichiro Yazaki Embedded planar power inductor in organic interposer for package-level DC power gird 9
Shuo Wang Loss analysis of electric vehicle wireless charging coupler 10
Y Ota Magnetic Noise Reduction on Wireless Power Transfer with Coil Shape 11
Longnv Li Finite-Element Analysis of Short-circuit Performance of a Split-winding Transformer with Stabilizing Windings 12
Zhongqi Li A Comparative Study Between Novel Four Resonator Coils Structure and Conventional Four Resonator Coils Structure in Wireless Power Transfer System 13
Kai Ding Series-loaded Resonant Converter Development using Leakage Inductance of Polymer-bonded Magnetic Cores for Achieving Zero Voltage Switching 14
Longnv Li A Novel Synthetic Material for Transformer Tank and its Performance Analysis 15
Chuang Gao Analysis of Insulation System of 35kV Air-Coil Power Reactor Winding under Lighting Overvoltage 16
Chao Liu 3D coupled electromagnetic-fluid-thermal analysis of 35kV oil-immersed triangular wound core transformer 17
Jiangtao Li The Parameter Simulation and Circuit Calculation of Air Core Tesla Transformer 18
RICKY ANTHONY Copper Coil Deposition Process and Effects of Winding Gaps on Micro-Inductor Performance 19

ES - Recording and patterned media08:00h - 12:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Paul Nutter, University of Manchester; Hans Richter, HGST
Naoki Honda High areal density recording simulation of three layered ECC bit-patterned media with a shielded planar head 1
Hirokazu Makuta Magnetic properties of microfabricated FePt multilayered films 2
Jennifer Talbot Optimising the Design of Bit Patterned Media 3
Takashi Hasegawa Magnetic properties of planer dot pattern prepared using magnetic phase change of L10 FePtRh film 4
Satoru Inoue A Development of Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Tape by Roll to Roll In-line Sputtering System 5
J. Z. Shi On the origin of partial crystallization of the soft underlayer for perpendicular magnetic recording media 6
J. F. Hu A study of fabrication process for L10 FePt based HARM media 7
Jung-Wei Liao Magnetization reversal modes in L10 FePt based exchange spring magnets with magnetically soft layers of varied Curie temperature 8
Jessada Chureemart The effect of exchange interaction on the angular dependence of the coercivity of advanced recording media 9
Shunji Ishio Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and energy product of L10 FePt/FeCo films 10
Jen-Hwa Hsu Comparative Studies on Perpendicular Graded Anisotropy L10-FePt Films Processed by Gradient Temperature, Composition and Working Pressure 11
T. A. Ostler Temperature Dependent Ferromagnetic Resonance in FePt via the Landau-Lifshitz-Bloch Equation 12
Kim Kong Tham Coercivity enchancement of CoPt-WO3 granular film with post annealing 13
Taruho Tsuchiya Low temperature deposition of Co/Pt film with high perpendicular magnetic anisotropy by layer stacking sputtering 14
Nobuyuki Inaba Angular dependence of ferromagnetic resonance line width for Fe100-xCox(001) single crystal thin films with bcc and fcc crystal structures 15
Shintaro Hinata Microwave assisted magnetization reversal for granular media by a resonant cavity method 16
Marco Menarini Modeling high-temperature demagnetization and recording in FePt granular media 17

ET - Fundamental Properties I08:00h - 12:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Massimiliano Marangolo, University of Paris; Mi-Young Im, LB Laboratory
A Conca Annealing influence on the Gilbert damping parameter and the exchange constant of CoFeB thin films 1
Yoshifuru Mitsui Magnetic and structural properties of Mn2PtGa 3
Alexandre Lopes de Oliveira On the magnetic hyperfine field at a s-p impurity diluted in RNi2: a functional integral approach 4
venkateswarlu buchepalli Investigations on the complex low temperature magnetic response of the Heusler alloy Cu2Mn0.75Fe0.25Al 5
Sagar Shirsath Crystal orientation dependent switching of coercivity in CoFe2O4 thin films 6
Y. Skourski Magnetic, thermal, and transport properties of single crystalline U3Cu4Ge4 7
Chaohai Zhang MDS study on behavior of molecule CO2 in dielectric medium including SCF Phase and DC Breakdown Mechanism 8
Ping Li Strong bending resonant magnetoelectric response in mechanically mediated magnetostrictive/piezoelectric heterostructure 9
Daniele Davino Experimental verification of bi-axial magnetic field effect over magnetostrictive energy harvesting 10
Hiroaki Kikuchi Relation between behavior of ferromagnetic properties and grain size in Inconel 600 alloy 11
B Augustyniak Evolution of macro residual stress levels in plastically deformed low-carbon steels evaluated using mechanical Barkhausen noise 12
Yuko Ichiyanagi AC Magnetic Susceptibility and Heat Dissipation for Hyperthermia Treatment of Mn1–xZnxFe2O4 Nanoparticles 13
Tie Liu Crystal orientation and magnetic anisotropy of a Mn-Sb alloy induced by high magnetic field during the treatment in the semi-solid state 14
Elena Vedmedenko Topologically Protected Magnetic Helix for All-Spin-Based Applications 15
S Topolovec Studying the correlations between electrochemical processes and magnetic properties by using in-situ cyclic voltammetry in a SQUID 16
Xueliang Huang Magnetic Field Characteristics of Resonance-based Wireless Power Transfer 17
Heng-Sheng Hsiao Development of a Permanent Magnet as Magnetizer for Linear Magnetic Pattern Manufacturing 18
Zbigniew Usarek Separation of the effects of notch and macro residual stress on the MFL signal characteristics 19
Radhika Barua The magnetostructural response of FeRh-based compounds: Tailoring with temperature, pressure and magnetic field 20

EU - Magnetic sensors (non-recording) and MEMS IV08:00h - 12:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Roland Mattheis, IPHT Jena; Piotr Wisniowski, AGH UST, Krakow
Hong-Guang Piao Extremely sensitive magnetic field sensor based on ferromagnetic resonances from ferromagnetic nanoelement arrays 1
Mohammad Hassan Asteraki Low Frequency Thermal Noise Reduction in Search Coil Sensors: A Generalized Theoretical Approach 2
Ping Li Giant two-dimensional magnetoelectric effects in magnetostrictive/piezoelectric heterostructure without interface bonding 3
Ping Li Magnetoelectric composite Metglas/PZT based current sensor 4
Benjamin Riedmueller Towards sub-200 nm nanostructuring of GMR spin valves by a direct FIB process 5
Horia Chiriac An integrated electric and magnetic field sensor head 6
P. Coelho Spin valve devices with synthetic-ferrimagnet free layer displaying enhanced sensitivity for nanometric sensors 7
Yinggang Bu Examination of Wireless Power Transfer Combined with the Function of Distance Detection 8
Xiaoguang Yang A New Compact Fluxgate Current Sensor for AC and DC Application 9
Yuka Imagawa Compact Traffic Counter Utilizing Two Channel Magneto-Impedance Sensor Located Roadside 10
Yuito Miyashita FDTD analyses of light control by magnetically oriented guanine crystal plates 11
Qing-yu Wang Impedance Calculation of Eddy Current Sensor Coils under Axial Asymmetric Measurement Conditions 12
Fen Xue Large Electric Field Sensor Based on Converse Magnetoelectric Effect Applied in Smart Grid 13
Scott M. Gillette Metglas®-Enhanced Tube-Topology Magnetoelectric Magnetic Field Sensor 14
P. Ripka Fluxgate offset study 15
Mattia Butta The influence of magnetostriction of NiFe electroplated film on the noise of fluxgate 18
Yong Ouyang Modeling the Frequency Dependence of Packaged Linear Magnetoresistive Sensors Based on MTJ 19
Yoshiaki Adachi Calibration for a Multichannel Magnetic Sensor Array of a Magnetospinography System 20

EV - Magnetocaloric materials and devices I08:00h - 12:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Franca Albertini, IMEM-CNR; Ekkes Brück, TU Delft
Yevgen Melikhov Gd5(SiXGe1-X)4 System - Updated Phase Diagram 1
I. A. Radulov Fighting the porosity in polymer bonded La(Fe,Mn,Si)13Hx 2
Anja Waske In-situ synchrotron studies of the magnetoelastic transition in LaFe11.8Si1.2 3
Bruno Weise X-ray tomography and magnetic characterization of epoxy-based magnetocaloric La(Fe,Si)13 composites 4
P Pawlik LaFeCoSi alloy composite with table-like magnetic entropy changes 5
Mingxiao Zhang Preparation, microstructure and magnetocaloric effect of low-dimensional La-Fe-Si-based materials 6
Piotr Gebara Negative lattice expansion and magnetic entropy change of the LaFe11.0C0.8Si1.2 prepared by various techniques 7
Jiri Kamarad Magnetic refrigerants investigation by the direct measurement of magneto-caloric effect 8
B. Kaeswurm Direct measurement of adiabatic temperature change in La(FeSi)13 compound with partial substitution of Pr for La. 9
M. Ghorbani Zavareh Direct measurements of the magnetocaloric effect in the Heusler alloy Ni50Mn35In15 in pulsed magnetic fields 10
D. J. Silva Magnetic Refrigeration: towards a fully solid state device 11
V.D Buchelnikov First-principles investigation of the structural and magnetic properties of Ni-Co-Mn-In Heusler alloys 12
X. G. Zhao Magnetic phase transition and magnetocaloric effect in Co-doped Mn-Ni-Ge melt-spun ribbons 13
Kalyan Mandal A comparative study of magnetocaloric properties between Ni-rich and Mn-rich Ni-Mn-Sn alloys 14
LORENA GONZALEZ-LEGARRETA Magnetic properties in Ni50Mn50-xSnx (x = 12 and 13) Heusler alloys in rod shape. 15
Valentina Zhukova Magnetic properties of Heusler-type microwires and thin films 16
N.S. Bingham Improved mechanical and magnetocaloric responses of Gd-based microwires for energy-efficient magnetic refrigeration 17
Nilson de Oliveira Magnetocaloric and barocaloric effects in (Ra1-xRbx)Co2 18

EW - Biomagnetism: Measurement techniques and instrumentation08:00h - 12:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Veronica Salgueiriño, Universidade de Vigo; Günter Reiss, Bielefeld University
Teruyoshi Sasayama Application of minimum variance beamformer for estimation of tip position of a nasogastric tube 1
D. Martinovic Electric Vehicle Positioning for Inductive Charging Purposes Using Magnetic Field Distortion Elimination in High-Permeability Environments 2
Gungun Lin Magnetoresistive Emulsion Analyzer 3
Shi Bai Magnetic Particle Imaging Utilizing Orthogonal Gradient Field and Third-Harmonic Signal Detection 4
Ioan DUMITRU Experimental study of frequency dependence of transverse susceptibility 5
Svetlana Ponomareva Local force mapping of an array of NdFeB micromagnets using magnetic particle force microscopy 6
Daniil Karnaushenko A novel magnetically coupled detection for millifluidic bioanalysis 7
Yuri Mizukawa Magnetic Manipulation of Nucleic Acid Base Micro-Crystals for DNA Sensing 8
H Nakagawa ELF Electromagnetic control of bloodstream on imitative blood-circulation system 9
Yuri Mizukawa Synchrotoron Microscopic FTIR Analyses of Biogenic Guanine Crystals along Axes of Easy Magnetization 10
Arielle Fakhraee Electromagnetically Actuated Cantilevers Using Magnetic Micropillars for Atomic Force Microscopy 11
Kazuhiro Muramatsu Optimal design of metallic implant reducing artifact in magnetic resonance imaging by combining paramagnetic and diamagnetic materials 12
Damien LE ROY Magnetic flux micro-sources for applications in biology 13
Zhongguo Song Through-Wall Life Detection Using Spread Spectrum Radar Based On FDTD 14
Cheng-Chi Tai A new designed deep magnetic field generator using flexible copper tube for thermotherapy application 15
Koichiro Kobayashi Wide dynamic range analog flux-locked loop system using Low-Tc SQUID for MCG measurement without MSR 16

FP - Characteristics analyses of electric machines14:00h - 18:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Takeo Ishikawa, Gunma University; Ahmed Abou-Elyazied Abdallh, Ghent University
Rene Siebert Localized magnetic flux modification in electrical steels through laser treatment 1
Youguang Guo Fatigue Life Assessment of Pole Fixation in Pumped-Storage Generator-Motor 2
yali Yu Electromagnetically Excited Vibration Analysis of Canned Motor for Nuclear Reactor Coolant Pump 3
Hassan Ebrahimi Vibration Analysis of IPM Motor Considering Magnetostriction and Current Harmonics 4
Chang-Seop Koh Magnetizing Analysis Incorporated of FEM Taking into Account Forming Process for a 4-Pole Anisotropic Bonded NdFeB Magnet 5
Yanli Zhang Magnetostriction Anisotropy Properties of Non-oriented Silicon Steel Sheet under Alternating Magnetic Flux Conditions 6
Ahmed Abdallh A comparative analysis of the effect of different converter topologies on the iron loss of nonoriented electrical steel 7
Lin Yang Optimization Design in an Adaptive Degrees-of-Freedom Finite Element Method 9
Goga Cvetkovski Multi-Objective GA Minimisation of Permanent Magnets Weight of Axial Field Motor for EV Drive 10
Dongsu Lee Intelligent MADS with Cost Diagonal Patterns Analysis for Optimal Design of Electric Machine 11
Zaixun Ling The Use of Electrical Steels in Small and Medium-sized Induction Machines 12
Jung-Seob Shin The Optimal Design for Large Output Power of the Transverse Flux Type Cylindrical Linear Wave Generator Using the Practical Rapid Design Approach 13
Subrato Saha Innovative Processing for Line Start Permanent Magnet Machine Design Considering Anisotropic / Isotropic Magnetic Material 15
Jawad Faiz Dynamic Eccentricity Fault in a Salient-pole Synchronous Generator under Non-linear Loads 16
Do-Jin Kim The vibration reduction of Surface Permanent Magnet Motor for Electrical Power Steering 18
Jan De Bisschop Identification of demagnetization faults in axial flux permanent magnet synchronous machines using an inverse problem coupled with an analytical model 19
Zhiwei Zhang Investigation of rotor geometry and cross-saturation effect on inductance and torque capability of synchronous reluctance machines and permanent magnet-assisted synchronous reluctance machines 20

FQ - Special topics on electromagnetic analysis of electrical machines14:00h - 18:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Chang-Chou Hwang, Feng Chia University; Cheng-Tsung Liu, National Sun Yat-Sen University
Hao Chen Electromagnetic Field Analysis Coupled Model of Fluid-Structure-Thermal Simulation of Power Converter for Switched Reluctance Machine 1
Katsumi Yamazaki Impact of Duct Spacers on Iron Loss of Turbo Generators 2
Kazuki Makimura A Proposal of Novel Method for Making 2D-FEA Model which can Consider End Effect Equivalently at Analysis of SRM 3
M Michon Effect of rotor eccentricity in large synchronous machines. 4
Noboru Niguchi A Novel Motor with Two Controllable Output Shafts Using Superimposed Current 5
A. Penzkofer Magnetic gears for high torque applications 6
Chunhua Liu Comparative investigation on electromagnetic compatibility performances of magnetless motor drives for electric vehicles 7
Jin Seok Park Electromagnetic Analyses of the Control Element Drive Mechanism for Design Improvement 8
Guan xiaocun The calculation method of stator winding inductance and resistance in the pulse linear motor 9
JaeSeon Lee Experimental study of an electromagnet actuator in a control element drive mechanism 10
Christopher H. T. Lee A High-Torque Magnetless Axial-Flux Doubly-Salient Machine for In-Wheel Direct Drive Applications 11
Aki Watarai Dynamic Magnetic Property of Permanent Magnet for High Efficiency PM Motor 12
Yuki Ohno Axial Differential Magnetic Harmonic Gear 13
Yasuhito Ueda Small Cogging-Torque Transverse-Flux Motor with Magnetic Short Circuit under Unloaded Condition 14
Zhenfei Chen Modeling and Analyzing of Surface-Mounted Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Machines with Optimized Magnetic Pole Shape 15
S. L. Ho A Quantitative Comparison Analysis of Radial-flux, Transverse-flux and Axial-flux Magnetic Gears 16
Satoshi Horita Reduction in flux loss of a Nd-Fe-B bonded ring magnet for a SPM motor 17
Tushar Batra Space Profile of Magnetic Emissions for Ferrite and Non-Ferrite Geometry based Wireless Power Transfer to Vehicles 18
Oussama HAMRIT Influence of the magnetization direction on the magnetic properties and loss of non-oriented Iron-Silicon laminations 19
Chang Geng Zhang Exciting Structure Considerations for the Measurement of Rotational Magnetic Property 20

FR - Nanostructured and composite hard magnetic materials II14:00h - 18:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Volker Neu, IFW Dresden; César de Julian, CNR-IMEM
Aki Dezaki Fabrication of Nd-Fe-B/ FePt nano-composite thin films and their magnetic properties 1
Wei Li Effect of CaF2 on the microstructure, magnetic and electrical properties of Nd-Fe-B magnets 2
Viorel Pop Microstructure and Interphase Magnetic Coupling in Nd2Fe14B/α-Fe Nanocomposites Obtained by Mechanical Milling and Rapid Annealing 3
Masaki Nakano Nano-composite Nd-Fe-B + α-Fe thick-film magnets prepared by vacuum arc deposition 4
M. Urse Influence of the composite buffer and multilayering on the magnetic and mechanical properties of anisotropic NdFeB films 5
weibin cui Magnetic properties and exchange coupling in NdFeB/Ta/Fe multilayer films 6
Liyun Zheng Microstructure, magnetic and electrical resistance of Nd-Fe-B/NdF3 composite magnets 7
Shan Tao Magnetic properties of directly quenched Nd7Fe61B22Mo4Y6 bulk magnet 8
Luka Kelhar Zn- and Zn-alloy-bonded Nd-Fe-B magnets made from MQP-B powder 9
Katarzyna Filipecka Phase structure and magnetic properties of the nanocrystalline Fe65Pr9B22W4 alloy ribbons 10
Sergey Taskaev Magnetic properties of severe plastic deformed Nd and Sm rare-earth metals. 11
Minggang Zhu Investigations On the Coercivity mechanism and Magnetic Properties of CeFeB melt-spun Ribbons with Different Ce Content 12
S Makihara Improvement in magnetic properties of PLD-made Sm-Co/α-Fe multi-layered nanocomposite film-magnets due to suppression of droplets 13
Kwang-Won Jeon Enhancement of the remanence value of bulk strontium ferrite by the addition of AlNiCo 14
Baoru Bian Effect of refluxing temperature on the shape of FePt nanoparticles 15

FS - Magnetoresistive and half-metallic materials II14:00h - 18:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Seiji Mitani and Hiroaki Sukegawa, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba
Bingshan Tao Transport properties of rf-sputtered CoFeB/MgAl2O4/CoFeB magnetic tunnel junctions 1
Sanghoon Lee Decimal tunneling magnetoresistance states in Fe/GaAlAs/GaMnAs magnetic tunnel junction 2
Nobuki Tezuka Comparison of spin signals between 3T Hanle and 4T non-local methods for Co2Fe(Al,Si)/n-GaAs junctions 3
Vasudha Agarwal Observation of zero filed charge order melting in oxygen deficient Pr1-xCaxMnO3 thin films 4
Haijie Yu Interfacial and Magnetic Properties of Pt/Co2FeAl0.5Si0.5/MgO System with Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy 5
Mirko Emmel Deposition and characterization of Rh2MnGe Heusler thin films 6
Yusuke Honda Dependence of degree of temperature dependence of TMR ratio of Co2MnSi/MgO/Co2MnSi MTJs on Mn composition in Co2MnSi electrodes 7
M. Y. Song Ferromagnetic resonance study of magnetic anisotropy in epitaxial Fe3O4 thin film 8
M Nishiwaki Low temperature growth of epitaxial Co2MnSi films on lattice-matched MgAl2O4 substrates by ion-beam assisted sputtering 9
W. Q. Liu Spin and orbital moments of nanoscale Fe3O4 epitaxial thin film on MgO/GaAs(100) 10
Yuya Sakuraba Quantitative analysis of AMR effect in half-metallic Heusler compounds films : comparison with magneto-transport in CPP-GMR devices 11
Shuai Dong Simulation of low-temperature resistivity upturn effect in manganite-insulator composites 12
Thomas Scheike Tunnel magnetoresistance in lattice-matched epitaxial tunnel junctions with a Co2FeAl Heusler alloy layer and an Mg-Al-O barrier 13
T. Miyawaki Domain structure of patterned half-metallic Heusler alloy Fe2CrSi epitaxial thin films 14
F.J. Pedrosa Four-fold anisotropy magnetite films grown by infrared-PLD with RT <100> easy axis orientation 15
Mehran Vafaee Khanjani Strain-mediated control on magnetoelectric effect in Fe3O4/PMN-PT heterostructural multiferroic thin films 16
Y.P. WANG Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy in Fe2Cr1-xCoxSi Heusler Alloy 17
T. Miyawaki Effect of the order parameter on the electrical properties of half-Heusler LaPtBi thin films 19

FT - Advanced Magnetic characterization II14:00h - 18:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Kab-Jin Kim, University of Kyoto; Tom Hayward, University of Sheffield
Andrei Rogalev X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism under High Magnetic Field 1
Nicolas VERNIER New method for magnetization measurement in soft magnetic films with perpendicular anisotropy 2
S. U. Jen Magnetostriction Measurement of A Ferromagnetic Thin Film by using Digital Holographic Microscope 3
V. L. Sukhorukov Elemental and magnetic moment depth profiling of thin film systems by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy 4
Pankaj Sethi Transverse Domain Wall Chirality Detector 5
F. Bohn Scaling exponents for Barkhausen avalanches in amorphous ferromagnetic films 7
A. Lee Averaging Technique for the Analysis of Random Magnetization Dynamics Driven by a Jump-Noise Process 8
S. A. H. Banuazizi Investigation of copper electrode thickness effect in nanocontact spin torque oscillator devices 9
Yajun Wei Growth temperature dependence of dynamic properties of FeCoV/SiO2 films 10
A.V. Sadovnikov Discrete diffraction phenomenon in YIG coupled waveguides array 11
Hyon-Seok Song Structural dependent Gilbert damping in a Co/Ni multilayer system 12
Vincent Jeudy Pinning dependent field driven domain wall dynamics and thermal scaling in an ultrathin Pt/Co/Pt magnetic film 13
Shuhei Oyabu Controlling of synthesized standing spin wave modes with relative phase modulation 14
Duck-Gun Park The effects of nanosized defects on the magnetic properties in the theraml aged Fe-Cu alloys 15
Ping Li Enhanced multi-peak magnetoelectric effects in ferromagnetic/ferroelectric composite with H-type elastic substrate 16
Jinyi Lee Magnetic Leakage Testing Using Linearly Integrated Hall and GMR Sensor Arrays to Inspect Inclusions in Cold Rolled Strips 17
Cheng-Tsung Liu Optimal Magnetic Field Path Designs for Enhanced Depositions of DC Magnetron Sputter 18
Zhongguo Song A Calibration Method Of Three-axis Magnetometer With Noise Suppression 19
Zhongguo Song Nonlinearity Error Calibration Of Vector Magnetometer Based On Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm (APSO) 20

FU - MRAM, Magnetic Logic and Devices II14:00h - 18:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Kilian Lenz, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf; Evangelos Papaioannou, TU Kaiserslautern
Helena Reichlova Manipulating antiferromagnetic moments 1
Yasuo Urazuka Successive logic-in-memory operation in spin wave based devices with domain wall data coding scheme 2
Kannan M. Krishnan Misalignment-free logic operation in a 3-input MQCA full adder using 45°-clocking mechanism 3
Roland Mattheis A new domain wall based nanowire device using closed loops with crossing magnetic conduits 4
Vineeth Mohanan Parakkat Investigation of domain wall motion in permalloy nanowire 5
Soong-Geun Je Speed Enhancement in Magnetic Domain Wall Motion along Pt/Co/Pt Nanowires due to Spin-Orbit Torque 6
A Le Goff Optimization of CoFeB/MgO nanopillars with perpendicular anisotropy 7
A. Chavent Effects of the heating current polarity on the writing of Thermally Assisted Switching-MRAM 9
A Le Goff Effect of Ta layer insertion in reference systems of MTJs with perpendicular anisotropy 10
Erya Deng Design Optimization and Analysis of Hybrid STT-MTJ/CMOS Logic Circuits under Ultra-deep Submicron Technology Process 11
Kyungmi Song Field-dependence of energy barrier of perpendicular nanomagnet 12
Amritpal Singh Low damping insertion elements for the exchange coupled hard/soft composite structure. 13
Wang Kang Variation-tolerant high reliability sensing scheme for deep submicron STT-MRAM 14
Ramu Maddu Transverse domain wall chirality rectifier 15
Jui-Hang Chang Relaxing-Precessional Switching in Biaxial Spin-Torque Nano Device 16
Yi Wang Switching Current Dispersion in Magnetic Tunneling Junctions due to Inhomogeneity of Perpendicular Anisotropy 17
Longchen (Claire) Liu Switching behavior of Permalloy hexagonal nanodots for logic gate application 18
Daisuke Suzuki Optimally Self-Terminated Compact Switching Circuit Using Continuous Voltage Monitoring Achieving High Read Margin for STT MRAM and Logic 19
Lance Horng Micromagnetic modeling on current-induced multiple domain-wall motion in Permalloy nanotubes 20

FV - Multiferroic materials and complex oxides III 14:00h - 18:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Martina Müller, FZ Jülich; Alexander Gray, Stanford University
Chun-Chuen Yang Size effect on multiferroic HoMn2O5 nanorods 1
Je Wei Lin Electron spin resonance probed magnetic anisotropy in bismuth ferrite thin film 2
Riccardo Bertacco Voltage controlled magnetic anisotropy of ultrathin CoFeB films on BaTiO3 3
Daniel Stoeffler First principle determination of the local contributions to the polarization in the GaFeO3 magnetoelectric system 4
D. Lopez Gonzalez Size dependence of domain pattern transfer in multiferroic heterostructures 5
Rene Lopez Noda Magnetoelectric coupling in BaTiO3-CoFe2O4 nanocomposites studied by impedance spectroscopy under magnetic field 6
Leszek Malkinski Simultaneous Excitation of Multiferroic Composites with Alternating Electric and Simultaneous Excitation of Multiferroic Composites with Alternating Electric and Magnetic Fields 7
Shandong Li E-field tuned rotation of magnetic anisotropy and enhanced microwave performance in FeCoAlO/PZN-PT multiferroic composite prepared by composition gradient sputtering 8
Chung-Cheun Yang Spin-phonon coupling effect in PrMn2O­­5 nanorods 9
Manoj Singh Magnetic and Dielectric properties in BiFeO3/ CoFe2O4 heterostructures thin films deposited on (111) SrTiO3 substrate withdrawn
Yicheng Wang Large uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in the as-deposited ferromagnetic/ferroelectric heterostructures 11
T. Ashida Voltage controlled Magnetization switching in Cr2O3/Co/Pt magnetoelectric exchange bias system 12
Ping Li Large self-biased converse magnetoelectric effects in FeSiB/Terfenol-D/Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)-PbTiO3 composite 13
Ladislav Straka Magneto-mechanical effects in magnetic shape memory alloy with magnetic hysteresis 14
Y Sun Magnetoelectric effects in multiferroic metal-organic frameworks 15
D.-S. Wang Nonvolatile electric-field modulation of magnetic anisotropy in Perpendicularly magnetized L10-FePt//(001)PMN-PT heterostructures 16
Yohei Kota Enhancement of spin correlation in Cr2O3 above Néel temperature induced by junction with Fe2O3 layer: First-principles and Monte-Carlo study 17
Nadezhda Kostyuchenko Features of magnetic and magnetoelectric properties in rare-earth aluminum borates RAl3(BO3)4 18
Ziyao Zhou Quantifying thickness-dependent charge mediated magnetoelectric coupling in magnetic/dielectric thin film heterostructures 19
Chi-Shun Tu Photo-induced electric responses in the heterostructure of indium tin oxide/ antiferromagnetic (Bi0.85Ca0.15)FeO2.925 ceramic/ Au 20

FW - Magnetic nanoparticles II14:00h - 18:00h
Terrace foyerPoster
Chair: Frank Ludwig, TU Braunschweig; Maria Pilar Marin, Complutense University Madrid
Masafumi Nakaya Preparation of Iron-Oxide-Coated Metallic Iron Nanoparticles and their Oxidation Resistance 1
Kalyan Mandal Surface modification of α-Fe2O3 nanoparticles to develop intrinsic photoluminescent probe and unprecedented photocatalyst 2
S. Kubickova Evidence of magnetite from the low-temperature ac susceptibility in the iron oxide nanoparticles withdrawn
L. Li Size-control and characterization of highly monodispersed magnetite nanoparticles for bio-detection 5
Barbara Pacakova New approach for quantification of magnetic response of nanoparticles used in hyperthermia treatment 6
M. P. Rowe Altering the magnetism of Fe-oxide/SiO2 core/shell nanoparticles with increasing SiO2 shell thickness 7
Rong Wang The synthesis of FePt/Fe3O4 nanocomposite particles with high coercivity 8
C. Gomez-Polo Magnetically separable photocatalyst Fe3O4/SiO2/N-TiO2 hybrid nanostructures 9
Cesar de Julian Fernandez Magneto-optical studies to investigate the magnetic properties of Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles 10
G. KHADRA Magnetic moment and anisotropy of mass selected FeCo nanoparticles 11
Bijoy Kumar Kuanr Synthesis of CoFe2-xAlxO4 magnetic nanoparticles; Static and Dynamic properties 12
M C Contreras Influence of thermal relaxation on the Transverse Susceptibility of Co nanoparticles 13
Elena Denisova Magnetic properties of composite materials: Co(P) particles in porous templates 14
M. Mihalik Effect of Annealing on Magnetic Properties of La0.8K0.2MnO3 Nanoparticles 15
Jifan Hu Cation vacancy induced-ferromagnetism in nanocrystalline CaTiO3 pellet 16
L Fernandez Barquin Spin dynamics of the low temperature magnetic relaxation in disordered Fe35Al50B15 alloys 17
Frank Schmidt Segregation phenomena in Nd-Fe-B nanoparticles 18
Fabiana Rodrigues Arantes Study of correlations between magnetic interactions and FORC distributions in nanoparticle systems 19
I. S. Poperechny Dynamic coercivity and energy absorption in superparamagnetic particle ensembles 20

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