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If your digest is accepted for presentation at Intermag, you may contribute a paper for publication
in the special October 2009 Intermag issue of IEEE Transactions on Magnetics.
The maximum paper length is FOUR (4) journal pages for contributed papers and SEVEN (7) journal pages
for invited papers. Note that the number of pages allowed has been increased with regard to previous
Intermag Conferences.
The deadline for manuscript submission is March 6, 2009. Post-deadline manuscripts will not be accepted nor forwarded for review.
The review standards will mirror those used for regular articles in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. Participation in the conference does not guarantee that a paper will be accepted for publication. Additionally, one of the paper coauthors must present the paper at the conference in order for it to be considered for publication. Because of the time constraints, there will be no second round of reviews for papers that are initially rejected. In addition to two peer reviews per paper, the manuscripts will be ranked by the Intermag editors. In order not to exceed the Intermag page budget, some papers with two mildly positive reviews may be rejected. It is estimated that only two thirds of the submitted papers will be accepted for publication. All manuscripts will be submitted via the IEEE web submission system, Manuscript Central. Instructions for submission and accepted formats for the journal as well as a link to Manuscript Central is available soon. All papers being published in the special issue of the IEEE Transactions on Magnetics must be submitted this way. No hard paper manuscripts will be accepted. Reviewing and revisions will all be handled through the online system. |
www.intermagconference.com | |||